Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shaivam- ॐ नम: शिवाय:

The central doctrine of the Saiva Siddhanta philosophy is
Shiva is the Supreme Reality (PARA BRAHM ), Individual Soul (Jiva Athma) is of the same essence as Shiva, but not identical. Same but not equal.
'Supreme Reality', SHIVA, is
Perfect,Free from Defects,self-existent
The All-Doer,The All-Knower.
Infinite Consciousness,
Infinite Bliss,
Infinite Intelligence, Ever Free,Ever Pure,
One without a second,
Creation - Brahma
Preservation - Vishnu
Destruction - Rudra
Veiling - Maheshwara
Grace - SadaShivaShiva,
Shakti and Maya: Shiva pervades the whole world by Shakti. Shiva works through Shakti. Shakti is the conscious energy of the Shiva. Shiva is the first cause of the world. Shakti is the instrumental cause. Maya is the material cause.

Shakti is not the material cause of the universe, because Shakti is of the nature of consciousness (Chaitanya). Shiva is pure consciousness, but matter is pure unconsciousness. Shakti is the intermediate link between the two.Shakti is the reflex of Shiva. Both Shiva and Shakti has no independent existence. 
Like sun and its rays Shiva and Shakti co-exists.

PASU (Jiva Athma or Individual Soul)
PASA, Three impurities (Karma, Ego, Illusion)
and the 36 Tattvas or principles of creation of universe are REAL.

To remove all three impurities (PASA) and to realize Sadasivam, consciousness of SIVA.
One needs Absolute Devotion and Surrender to a
Human Guru like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa / Ramana Maharishi or
Human Form like SANKARA through Bhakti Yoga.

Once Realized soul experiences 'Supreme silence', 'Being still', 'Quiescence of mind'

SHANKARA; The Blue human form with Moon in the Head, Snake around the neck, is Just a symbolism created by Ancient Seers as a result of their severest austerity and profound contemplation, to Realize and Merge with THE FORMLESS SHIVA(PARA BRAHM or God). This IMAGE (Shankara) is often widely misunderstood as SHIVA itself.
GOD is real; the world is unreal
GOD is one, without a second
GOD is the supreme knowledge
That is what you are
INDIVIDUAL SOUL and GOD are the same
I am GOD
All of this is GOD
36 Tattvas principles of creation of universe:
01. Shiva: Pure, Infinite Consciousness.
02. Shakti: Pure, Infinite Bliss.
03. Sadashiva: Pure, Infinite Will-Power
04. Ishvara: Pure, Infinite Knowledge, Universe is conceived
05. Satvidya: Pure, Infinite Action. God manifest as, any form or shape
06. Maya: Miracle of Physical Creation. The Material Universe teeming with innumerable forms of limited life.
07. Kalaa: Limitation to INFINITE.
08. Vidya: Power of Knowledge.
09. Raaga:Living being's will-power becomes limited.
10. Kaala: Soul's unlimited and uninterrupted happiness becomes temporary and limited. This temporariness gives rise to the experience of limited time.
11. Niyati: This is the stage at which the Soul's consciousness becomes so limited as for One to have only a limited experience of Oneself.
12. Purusha: Limited Consciousness, comes into existence as an embodied Soul.
13. Pradhana: Primary Matter from which all objective experience arises.
14. Buddhi: Constitution of a Soul's Intellect or Power of Reasoning whereby One analyses One's experiences and forms a judgement in respect of the same.
15. Ahamkara: Soul creates or builds a sense of Identity for Oneself out of sense perceptions, emotions, thoughts and memories.'I'.
16. Manas: The Lower Mind (as opposed to the Intellect or Higher Mind) whereby the Soul selects sense perceptions out of the general sense data, builds them into intelligible images, names and classifies them and presents them to the higher levels of the mind for further processing.
Tattvas 17 to 21. The Five Faculties of Perception (Jnanendriyas): Hearing, Feeling by Touch, Seeing, Tasting and Smelling
Tattvas 22 to 26. The Five Faculties of Action (Karmendriyas): Speaking, Grasping, Moving About, Excreting and Sexual Activities
Tattvas 27 to 31. The Five Primary Sensations (Tanmatras): Sound, Touch, Colour, Flavour and Odour
Tattvas 32 to 36. The Five Gross Elements of Matter (Maha Bhutas): Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

Atattva : ParaSiva or formless absolute Brahman who is beyond all the tattvas, symbolized by sivalinga, experienced in the state of samadhi.

Finally Abraham / Allah / Buddha / Ganesh / Jesus / Mahavira / Shakti / Shiva / Skanda / Vishnu........ all are subjective and ultimately false conceptions of the Formless Undifferentiated Absolute ParaBrahm or SUPREME REALITY that is GOD.

Yet with Primitive Consciousness and comprehension perceived through senses, humans need a MEDIUM (Abraham / Allah / Buddha / Ganesh / Jesus / Mahavira / Shakti / Shiva / Skanda / Vishnu.........) to realize that GOD.

Thus all MEDIUM are all ONE AND THE SAME. Names are various. Practices are different.

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