To enhance the effect, sounds are chanted. These sounds are from Sanskrit letters. When chanted, they cause a resonation in your body that you can feel at the chakra they are meant for.
For pronunciation, keep in mind that:
the "A" is pronounced as in "ah,"
the "M" is pronounced as "mng."
Do a meditation for 7 - 10 breaths. Chant the sound several times each breath (for example three times).
. Open the Root Chakra

Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
Chant the sound LAM.
. Open the Sacral Chakra

Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM.
. Open the Navel Chakra

Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.
Chant the sound RAM.
. Open the Heart Chakra

Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.
. Open the Throat Chakra

Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
Chant the sound HAM.
. Open the Third Eye Chakra

Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound
. Open the Crown Chakra

Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.
Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).