Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vishuddhi Chakra- ॐ नम: शिवाय ψ

Visha - impurity, poison 
Shuddhi- purification
Mantra हं haṃ
Location-Throat (bottom of the neck), knowledge-teaching, listening-hearing
Color-Sky Blue
Frequency-392 cps
Statement-”I want to speak freely and openly”
Astrological Sign-Gemini
Spinal Contact-3rd Cervical Vertebra
Interrelating Organ-Thyroid
Functions-Speech, sound, vibration, communication
Glands/Organs-Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth

Gems/Minerals-Turquoise, chrysocolia, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, asurite, dyanite
Foods-Blue/Purple fruits and vegetables
Qualities/Lessons-Power of the spoken work, true communication, creative expression in speech, writing and the arts, integration, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindness
Negative Qualities-Communication and/or speech problems, knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, depression and thyroid problems
Dities Concentration form of

AmbaraAmbara is white in colour; four-armed, holding a noose and a goad, and making the gestures of granting hoons and dispelling fear; seated on a white elephant
Sadashiva Sadashiva as Ardhanarishwara: The right half of the body (the Shiva aspect) is white, and the left half (the Shakti aspect) is golden; five-faced, three-eyed; ten-armed, holding a trident, a chisel (or an axe), a sword, the wajra, fire, the great snake, a bell, a goad and a noose, and making the gestures of dispelling fear; clad in tiger's skin
Shakini Shakini is shining white, or yellow in colour; five-faced, three-eyed, four-armed, holding a bow and arrow, noose and goad; or a noose, a goad and a book and making the attitude of jñanamudra; or a bow, a trident and a book and showing jñanamudra; or a noose, a trident, and a and showing jñanamudra; or two-armed, holding the Vajra and a staff; clad in yellow raiment or black raimeot; seated in a red lotus 
The fifth chakra is the center of communication, so there’s a powerful desire to talk about what you are experiencing. The throat chakra is the organic, and esoteric center corresponding with the thyroid gland. It is the psychological center for the evolution of creative focus, self discipline, initiative, and responsibility.
Included in this developmental area is the urge to make significant contributions, and the need to develop independent and original expressions of value beyond the range of personal recognition, and gratifications. The symbol, the circle of unity with ‘All That Is’ comes within the triangle, indicating an increasing openness to Spirit.
Vishuddhi is known as the purification centre. Into this chakra nectar falls down from hindu visarga. If open, this chakra can generate vitality, creative expression, and true wisdom. Nectar drips down into the throat causing a feeling of blissful intoxication.
The element of vishuddhi is ether, or akasha. By meditating on vishuddhi the mind becomes pure, and empty, free of thought, like akasha. The ability to neutralize poison, both internally or externally, is one of the powers associated with vishuddhi. At this level all the poisonous and negative experiences of life can be absorbed and transformed into a state of bliss.
This chakra, which is associated with the vijnanamaya kosha, initiates mental development, and is the center responsible for our capacity to receive thought vibrations from other people.
It can act like a transistor radio, allowing one to tell into the thoughts of those who are both close by, and far away. Vishuddhi is also the center for receiving sound vibrations. When vishuddhi is purified the sense of hearing becomes very sharp, not only through the ears, but through the mind.
Vishuddhi is located at the level of the throat pit, or the thyroid gland. Its vayu is udana, which controls the vocal cords, and other sensory organs. Vishuddhi is known as the fountain of youth.
The challenge of the throat center is to redirect the energies of the sacral center onto the higher vibratory level; personal work, and expression becomes transpersonal building and creatorship. The resonant throat chakra begins to form a resilient bond between the physical vehicle, and the body of the conscious mind.
The throat center is the chakra of “the word”, the vibratory creative force that binds, and forms matter. The challenge of the throat center is to master the relationship between thought, and form, between mind, and matter, and assume responsibility for both content, and manifestation of the mind.
In the yogic texts it is stated that with the awakening of this center, all diseased states can be reversed, and even an old man can become young. This is because the nectar from bindu is such a powerful, and concentrated form of prana, it is actually the source of life. The beeja mantra for vishuddhi is Ham.

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