Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sahasrara Chacra- ॐ नम: शिवाय ψ

Sahasrara =  thousand, infinite
Mantra =  Om

Location - Top of the Head, pure consciousness
Color - Purple (Violet, could also be gold)
Element - Thought/will (Cosmic Energy)
Symbol - Lotus
Energy - Integration
Frequency - 493 cps
Note - High B
Sense - “I want to be lazy (The seventh day is a day of rest)
Astrolog cal Sign - Pisces
Spinal Contact - None
Interrelating Organ - Pineal.
Functions - Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum)
Glands/Organs - Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye
Gems/Minerals - Amethyst, alexandrite, diamond, sugilite, purple fluorite, quartz crystal, selenite
Foods - This chakra is associated with the idea of fasting: Also violet (purple) fruits and vegetables
Qualities/Lessons - Unification of the Higher Self with the human personality, oneness with the Infinite, spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding, idealism, selfless service, perception beyond space and time, continuity of consciousness
Negative Qualities - Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve, senility

Sahasrara, the seat of supreme consciousness, is located at the brahmarandra, or crown-of the head. It is said to be the highest psychic center, but actually it is not a psychic center at all, because it is beyond the realm of the psyche. The symbol is the fully open lotus, the flower in fullest bloom, symbolizing being totally open to the Light. You’ve lost all individual identity, and now you merge with ‘All That Is’. You become a fully realized being. This is self-realization, the peak experience of which is called samadhi.
Sahasrara is the culmination of the progressive ascension through the different chakras. It is the master switch controlling the awakening of all the chakras from mooladhara to ajna. The power of the chakras does not reside in the chakras themselves, but in sahasrara. The chakras are only switches, with all the potential lying in sahasrara.
Not actually a chakra, sahasrara is the totality, the absolute, which results from the merging of cosmic consciousness with cosmic prana. When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara, it is known as the union between Shiva and Shakti. With this union, self-realization or samadhi dawns. At this point, individual consciousness dies, and universal consciousness is born.

The crown chakra is the organic, and esoteric center corresponding with the pineal gland. It is the psychological center for evolution of the will to intuitive capacity, essence experience, self-actualization, and the need for a sense of transcendent unification, or personal experience of the divine.
The challenge of the crown chakra is to redirect the energy of the solar plexus center-personal mind, and communication-onto the higher vibrational level of the crown chakra-transpersonal mind (intuitive), and channelship. The resonant crown center begins to form a resilient bond between the physical body, and the body of the collective consciousness.
The challenge of the crown chakra is responsible channelship, and a conscious alignment with the higher self. By means of the awakened crown center one is in this world, but not of it and may function as an avenue of grace, healing, and spiritual power into the physical plane. If this center is closed, the person probably doesn’t have an experiential connection to their spirituality. They probably don’t have that “cosmic feeling”, and don’t understand what people are talking about when they speak of their spiritual experiences.

If this center is open, a person experiences their spirituality in a very personal form, unique to that individual. This spirituality is not connected to or defined by dogma, or easily related with words. It is rather a state of being, a state of transcendence of the mundane reality into the infinite. It goes beyond the physical world, and creates in the individual, a sense of wholeness, peace and faith, giving them a sense of purpose to their existence.
Sahasrara is visualized as a thousand petaled lotus, unfolding into eternity. It is infinite in dimension, like a huge radiant dome. In the physical body, its point is at the very crown of the head from where it is visualized as extending outward in all directions. Sahasrara is associated with the body of bliss, or anandamaya kosha and can be awakened through daily meditation.

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