Thursday, January 31, 2013

Shiva Ashtotharam -ॐ नम: शिवाय ψ

Shiva Dyanam
Vandhe Sambumumapathimh suragurum
Vandhe Jagathkaaranam
Vandhe PanaBhooshanam mruhadharam
Vandhe Pasoonaam pathim
Vandhe Soorya Shasaankavahninayanam
Vandhe Mukundhapriyam
Vandhe Baktha Janasrayamsvratham
Vandhe Shivam Sankaram
Salutations to the cause of the world,
Salutations to him who wears serpent as ornament
Salutations to him, who holds a deer,
Salutations to the Lord of all beings,
Salutations to him, who has sun, moon and fire as eyes.
Salutations to him, who likes Lord Vishnu,
Salutations to him, who provides succour to his devotees,
Salutations to Shiva and Shankara

Shree Shiva Ashtothram
Om Shivaa namahHe who is peaceful
Om Mahe-shwaraya namahHe who is the greatest lord
Om Shambhave namahHe who is Shambhu
Om Pinaakine namahHe who holds the bow called Pinaka
Om Sasi-shekha-raya namahHe who collected the moon
Om Vama-devaya namahHe who is Vama deva
Om Virupakshaya namahHe who has a not pleasant eye
Om Kapardhine namahHe who holds the skull
Om Nila-lohitaya namahHe who is the colour of blue metal
Om Shankaraya namahHe who is Shankara
Om Shula-panine namahHe who holds the trident
Om Khatvamgene namahHe who holds the sword
Om Vishnu-vallabhaya namahHe who is the Lord of Lord Vishnu
Om Sipi-vistaya namahHe who is with ray of light
Om Ambika nadhaya namahHe who is the Lord of Parvathi
Om Srikantaya namahHe who has a divine neck
Om Bhakta-vastalaya namahHe who loves his devotees
Om Bhavaya namahHe who is happening
Om Sharwaya namahHe who is Shiva who destroys
Om Trilo-keshaya namahHe who has three type of hairs
Om Siti-kantaya namahHe who has a black neck
Om Siva-priyaya namahHe who is liked by Parvathi
Om Ugraya namahHe who is fierce
Om Kapaline namahHe who holds the skull
Om Kaoumarine namahHe who is a lad forever
Om Andhaka-sura-sudanaya namahHe who killed Andhakasura
Om Ganga-dharaya namahHe who carries river Ganga
Om Lalaa-takshaya namahHe who has an eye in the forehead
Om Kaala-kalaya namahHe who is the death to God of death
Om Kripa-nidhaye namahHe who is the treasure of mercy
Om Bheemaya namahHe who is Gross
Om Parashu-hastaya namahHe who has axe in his hand
Om Mruga-panine namahHe who has a deer in his hand
Om Jata-dharaaya namahHe who has a matted lock
Om Kailasa-vasine namahHe who lives in Kailasa
Om Kavachine namahHe who wears an armour
Om Katoraya namahhe who is very harsh
Om Tripuran-takaya namahHe who destroyed the three cities
Om Vrushankaya namahHe who is the Lord of the bull
Om Vrushabharudaya namahHe who rides a bull
Om Bhasmo-dhulitha vigrahaya namahHe whose body is sprinkled with ash
Om Sama-priyaaya namahHe who likes Sama Veda
Om Sarwamayaaya namahHe who is spread in everything
Om Traemurthaye namahHe who is the trinity
Om Anishwaraya namahHe who is the God who destroys
Om Sarwagnyaya namahHe who orders every thing
Om Paramatmane namahHe who is the divine soul
Om Soma-suryagni-lochanaya namahHe who has moon, Sun and ire as his eyes
Om Havishe namahHe who is the fire offering
Om Yagnya-mayaaya namahHe who is personification of fire sacrifice
Om Somaya namahHe who is the moon
Om Pancha-vaktraya namahHe who has five necks
Om Sada-shivaya namahHe who is perennially peaceful
Om Vishveshwa-raya namahHe who is the Lord of the universe
Om Virabhadraya namahHe who is Vira Bhadra
Om Gana-nadhaya namahHe who is the leader of Ganas
Om Praja-pataye namahHe who is the lord of all beings
Om Hiranya-retaya namahHe who shines like God
Om Durdharshaya namahHe who is difficult to see
Om Girishaya namahHe who is the Lord of the mountain
Om Giree-shaya namahHe who is the Lord of the mountain
Om Anaghaya namahHe who is faultless
Om Bhujanga-bhusha-naya namahHe who wears snake as ornament
Om Bhargaya namahHe who is Lord Shiva
Om Giri-dhanvine namahHe who has mountain as the bow
Om Giri-priyaaya namahHe who loves mountains
Om Krutti-vasaya namahHe who wears a hide
Om Pura-rataye namahHe who is delighted for ever
Om Bhagavaye namahHe who is the archer
Om Pramadha-dipaya namahHe who is a great lamp
Om Mrutyumjayaya namahHe who has won over death
Om Shukshma-tanave namahHe who has a micro body
Om Jagadvayapine namahHe who is spread all over the world
Om Jagad-gurave namahHe who is the teacher of
Om VyOma-keshaya namahHe who has the sky as his hair
Om Mahasena-janakaya namahHe who can create great armies
Om Charu-vikramaya namahHe who is pretty and valorous
Om Rudraya namahHe who is fiercely angry
Om Bhuta-pataye namahHe who is the Lord of Bhutas
Om Sthanane namahHe who is stable
Om Ahirbhudnyaya namahHe who wears a serpent
Om Digamba-raya namahHe who wears directions as cloth
Om Ashta-murthaye namahHe who has eight forms
Om Anekat-maya namahHe who has several forms
Om Satvikaya namahHe who is a sathvika (peaceful)
Om Shudha-vigrahaya namahHe who has a clean image
Om Shashwataya namahHe who is perennial
Om Khanda-parashave namahHe who is armed with axe
Om Ajaaya namahHe who is never born
Om Pashavimo-chakaya namahHe who frees one frOm attachment
Om Mrudaya namahHe who is dead
Om Pashu-pataye namahHe who is the Lord of all beings
Om Devaya namahHe who is the God
Om Maha-devaya namahHe who is the great God
Om Avya-yaya namahHe who never changes
Om Haraye namahHe who is the destroyer
Om Pusha-damta-bhethre namahHe who killed Pushpa Dantha
Om Avya-graya namahHe who is not agitated
Om Dakshadwara-haraaya namahHe who destroyed the house of Daksha
Om Haraya namahHe who destroys
Om Bhaganetrabhitre namahHe who has sun, moon and fire as eyes
Om Avya-ktaya namahHe who is not clear
Om Saha-srakshaya namahHe who has thousand eyes
Om Saha-srapadave namahHe who has thousand feet
Om Apavarga-pradaya namahHe who helps us to complete
Om Anantaya namahHe who does not have any end
Om Tarakaya namahHe who is the star
Om Para-meshwaraya namahHe who is the divine Lord.
Om naanavidha parimala pathra pushpaanni samarpyami!!I offer to you different types of flowers and leaves

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