Monday, January 2, 2012

ॐ AUM (or OM)- ॐ नम: शिवाय:

 The single word AUM (ॐ) (or OM) is known as the pranava mantra (प्रणव मंत्र) and is perhaps the most significant mantra in hinduism. It is known as the primary (or seed) or pranava mantra (or bija mantra) because it contains the seed for all other mantras within itself. AUM is also referred to in some texts as the primordial sound. The significance of AUM can be gauged by the fact that the entire Mundakopanisad Upanisad is devoted to its explanation and importance in hindu (or vedic) thought. There are literally hundreds of references to AUM in this Upanisad. One of them, referred to as the pranava mantra, is given below:

pranavo dhanu sharo hyaatmaa brahm tallakshya muchyate.
apramatten vedadhavyam sharavattanmayo bhavet.. 

प्रणवो धनु: शरो ह्यात्मा ब्रह्म तल्लक्ष्यमुच्यते ।
अप्रमत्तेन वेद्धव्यं शरवत्तन्मयो भवेत् ।। 

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